Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Web Video at Southside

Okay, so it's been a minute or two since my last post. Ummmm... Motivation much?

I preached a sermon at Southside church of Christ in Rogersville, AL. a few weeks back, and they've seen fit to post it to the 'Net.

A little bit of background is in order: I was a member of that congregation for two and a half years, from 2000 to 2003. I was also a member of their traveling chorus, and the only Caucasian in the bunch.

I absolutely adore Southside. They're an outstanding congregation.

The sermon's text is on my blog here. The video is on Southside's site here. If the video link doesn't work, keep in mind that it'll likely only work if you're using MS Internet Explorer. Another way to get to the video is to go to Southside's link:


and go to the media link, after which you'll see a link for "The Three Storms" with my name, Guest Speaker Bro. Jeff. (I guess they forgot my last name. HAAARRRR, HARRRR!!!!)

I've gotten some very good responses from them, and I'm very thankful for their desire to have me speak.


Mama-Dawn said...

I love it! Miss you so much!

Unknown said...

Actually, your last name is on there.

Rambling Psychoses said...

Yeah, I know. It's been changed since I posted this, and I didn't come back and change my post.

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